Managing Your Process with Joana Galvao

This week I had the honor of sitting down with Joana Galvao, the co-founder of Gif Design Studios, an award-winning design agency specialized in brand identities and conversion-obsessed design. Based in Porto, Portugal, with a team of 10 designers and developers, Gif Design Studios offers the full range of print and digital design services to industry leaders in seventeen countries on five continents.I always allow these podcast interviews to flow naturally, and this conversation flowed straight to a topic that Joana knows very well -- creativity. This episode is packed with insights on harnessing your creativity and applying it to every aspect of your life and business.

Some of my favorite takeaways include...

  • How several moments in high school helped to shape Joana's career path, including her discovery of graphic design and the true meaning of creativity. 
  • Joana's secret to boosting creativity and not waiting for inspiration to strike before you do the work.
  • Her tips for putting her teams into "idea generation mode", and the different techniques she uses for managing her team.
  • How Joana uses humor and her love of acting to handle running a business with her partner.

Check out Joana's guide on how to create websites that position you in the top 1% of your business at can find her on Instagram at @joanagalvaodesign or on her website at https://www.gifdesignstudios.comCreate like you mean it,Jamie


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