How to Evolve Your Brand with Veronica Wirth

This week’s episode is with the incredible Veronica Wirth of Design Bistro. Veronica is a visionary, entrepreneur, intuitive and award-winning designer and creative maverick. She's brought her innovative and big picture approach to successful careers in entertainment, advertising and the food industry before developing a soulful brand helping other visionaries be ahead of the curve and deeply aligned with their soul's purpose.Veronica has had a truly vibrant life! We dive deep into her story and learn how she put herself through design school by decorating and delivering wedding cakes for the family business, and how she taught yoga for 10 years before co-authoring the book, Yoga for Equestrians. She's up for really any conversation that involves France, wine, spirituality or bacon. And I love three out of four of those things, so this episode is a really good time.

Some of my favorite takeaways include…

  • Veronica sharing her vulnerability around hiring
  • How to create a brand that evolves as you do
  • The power of having a conversation with the soul of your business
  • Veronica’s yummy vision of what branding looks like


  • (00:00) Welcome to the Creatives Making Money podcast
  • (01:14) Introducing Veronica Wirth
  • (02:23) Learn about Veronica’s background
  • (06:23) What are some big challenges around hiring for Veronica
  • (08:21) What is Veronica’s favorite part of business
  • (10:24) What has been Veronica’s biggest lessons around business
  • (20:52) How you create an evolving and dynamic brand
  • (26:19) What one action you can take to feel more aligned
  • (29:53) How to sit and have a conversation with the soul of your business
  • (32:05) What Veronica’s relationship with her brand looks like as a multi-passionate
  • (37:05) What Veronica would do with $5 million dollars
  • (38:20) Where to find Veronica Wirth

You can find her on Instagram at or on her website at like you mean it,Jamie


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