Transforming Trauma with Jo Tucker

This week on the podcast we have my dear friend and previous client, Jo Tucker. Jo is a Post Traumatic Growth Guide and Reiki Master/Teacher with a focus on resolving the unprocessed trauma that dictates cycles of stuck. Through somatic and energetic approaches to trauma resolution, she works with clients to rewire their nervous systems to resolve perfectionism, procrastination, and shame so they can live their magic out into the world, now.

Listen to this episode to learn:

  • Jo's personal journey with identifying + working through her own patterns
  • The effect unresolved trauma can have on your business and creative pursuits
  • How to identify + transform your own trauma responses

Connect with Jo Tucker on her website at and on Instagram at Making Money is here to help you level up in your life, finances, love, and health.This is the therapy session you didn’t have to pay for.Create like you mean it,Jamie

Resources from this episode:


How to Start A Business From Home with Rebecca Tracey


The Six Pillars of a Six Figure Copywriting Business