3-Day Workweek with Cailen Ascher

Today I had the great pleasure of speaking with none other than Cailen Ascher.Cailen is THE queen of helping you set up your life and business so you make full-time income working just 3 days per week (or… however many days and hours best suit you).But our conversation took so many fun and fascinating twists and turns.She shared that it was SO helpful for her in the “early days” of her business (the first few years) to learn as MUCH as she possibly could. She took tons of courses and absorbed as much info as possible, including B-School and Creating Fame.Cailen also talked about working as a freelancer and having “bridge jobs,” which is basically another way of saying… temporary work you do while you’re building up your future ideal income from your creative pursuits or business.But at some point, she recognized that in order to make a SHIFT, it was necessary to hire more support. She decided to work with Nisha Moodley as a coach, and making that decision and investment was the turning point for her business.

We also talked about….

  • How she uses The Desire Map every year to get clear on how she wants to feel FIRST, and then set intentions based on those feelings after.
  • Why meditation and mindset work is SO important to success, and how “We think we’re accomplishing something by worrying.” #brilliant
  • The power of taking INSPIRED action instead of just slogging through work.
  • Connecting with your FUTURE SELF to check in on big decisions, possible freak outs, or what to do when you’re feeling ANTSY about work, etc.

And, of course, we talked about some of the most common negative beliefs around money… namely, that working more or harder equates to earning more. Can you relate?Cailen has a kick ass 3 Day Work Week Template you can download at cailenascher.com.Follow Cailen on Instagram at @Cailen_Ascher, or join her Facebook group called “3-Day Workweek.”Create like you mean it,JamieP.s. Don’t forget about our weekly AFTERPARTY either, where I’ll share MY biggest takeaways and action steps for YOU from each episode -- at creativesmakingmoney.com/afterparty.


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