Jamie Jensen

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What Being a 6-Figure Copywriter REALLY Means

Well, it’s time to come out of the business closet.

Here goes...

Hi, my name is Jamie Jensen, and I grossed over $160K in my business last year.

Yup. I feel kinda sleazy talking about it, even though it’s the truth. The other thing I’d like to say is that - while it’s been a ton of work - it wasn’t impossible. (Clearly!) I’m not saying that I haven’t struggled. I sure have - we’re talking about hours spent stressing about whether I’d book enough clients for the following month, hundred of ideas that never saw the light of day, terrible time management issues, procrastination probs, and crippling self-doubt.

If you can imagine it, I’ve been there.But I didn’t let it get in the way of my success.

More and more lately, I’ve seen shit tons of business owners marketing the idea of “making 6 figures” as if it’s the be-all and end-all of business. Newsflash: It’s not. It doesn’t solve every problem in your business, and it sure as fuck doesn’t ensure that you’ll have all you need in place for the long haul, either.I’ve done it, so I know.That said, hitting 6 figures is simpler than you think. All it takes is delivering pee-your-pants-incredible work and investing in your professional development (instead of getting caught up in the struggles!). Marketing ploys that make you think you can’t do it are only pushing you to respond meekly to that challenge.

So you’re all…

“Oh, I’m totally OK with $40K. I don’t want or need more than that.”

Yeah. My bullshit meter is reading: “HELL THE FUCK NO!”I think you want more, and I know you can achieve it.

HELLO!! I’m living proof.But first let’s get real about what making 6 figures REALLY MEANS.I’m all about getting to the point, so here’s a peek inside my profit & loss from 2015.*Opens trench coat to inappropriately flash you…*



Paypal Fees $5,047Subcontractors $36,962Cost of Goods Sold $127

Total Cost of Goods Sold: $42,136

Advertising $1,488Gifts $5,030Consulting $3,600Legal & Professional Fees $9,520Meals & Entertainment $4,095Office Expenses $3,000Online Software Expenses $2,700Retreat Expenses YTD $9,000Shipping & Delivery $500Travel $1,333Misc. $1,200Utilities $420


NET OPERATING EXPENSES $84,022_________________________________

NET INCOME: $75,994

Not too shabby, soldier.So let’s recap.

My business EARNED $160,000, but I also invested $84,000 in my business, my people, and myself.

So making 6 figures REALLY means...

  • Investing in your business!
  • Taking risks!
  • Working your butt off!
  • Making it your full-time gig!
  • Delivering AMAZING work (with even more amazing customer service!)
  • Having DOPE systems + processes in place so money flows smoothly in + out!
  • Getting over those money blocks so you can SPEND smartly!

Making 6 figures means that you’ve hired the PEOPLE you need on your team. Whether that’s other subcontractors, lawyers, assistants, tech smarties, marketing strategists, coaches, and mentors. It means that you’ve created a dream team (even when it was SCARY AS FUCK to do) to be able to handle the work, changes, and stress that is coming your way.If you’re a copywriter who’s ready to make the leap from $40K to $100K this year, you’re going to need more than your dreams to get you there. Chances are, if you’re NOT closing 5-figure months on the regular already, there’s something critical missing. This is going to sound harsh, but your work probably isn’t good enough yet.In order to get clients banging on your door to hire you, you’re going to need to become more than a word-slinger. You’re going to need to become an expert, and one with brave business brains, systems to keep it all working seamlessly, and a team that makes sense for YOU. My copywriting mentorship was created to help you with all of that.Because you’re talented, ambitious, and motivated - all you need is a copy captain to help direct those sails for you.If that’s the kind of success you’re after, check out the details and apply right here.Registration closes February 27th.xosignature