The 4 types of stories ALL businesses need

You likely already know that I’m a storytelling nerd with two degrees and a background of working in story development in Hollywood. If not, SPOILER! I’m a storytelling nerd with two degrees and a background of working in story development in Hollywood!

But besides writing and telling stories as an artist, I also LOVE how story applies to business and sales too. In fact, there are a multitude of places you’ll use STORY in your business communications.

Here’s a short list of common places (to start) --

  • Brand Story

  • Sales Story

  • Teaching Content

  • Email Marketing Campaigns

  • Masterclasses

  • Pitches

  • Case Studies

  • Social Media

  • Video Content

  • Blogging

  • Books

  • Talks

The list goes on and on…Since I know how imperative storytelling is in business (and in life), I wanted to brief you on...

The 4 Types of Stories You’ll Likely Need As An Entrepreneur!

Story Type #1: The HOW Story

  • this typically tells the behind-the-scenes of the process of HOW something was made or done.

Story Type #2: The WHY Story

  • this is typically the story of why your business or project exists in the first place. For these stories, I’d say the deeper the better!

Story Type #3: The MENTOR Story

  • this one shares how you personally identify with your customer or audience and how your work exists to help them through a challenge that you’ve already learned to overcome through experience.

Story Type #4: The EXPERT/GENIUS Story

  • this one explains how your natural talents and learned skills are exactly what your audience needs in order to overcome their challenge and achieve their goal.

And VOILA! That’s it! Now you’re ready to create content (and tell stories) like a boss!

Create like you mean it,


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