New Brand Summer Special: Grab it while it’s hot!

Remember having (and going to) birthday parties as a kid? They were MAGICAL, right?The sheer delight of getting to run around like a crazy person without reprimand, the mad sugar-rush from cake and ice cream, the giddiness of playing games or riding ponies or painting faces or whatever SUPER COOL party event your mom had planned...EPIC!Birthday parties were a radical excuse to celebrate life/have fun/be crazy with all your bestest friends.We miss those days. I mean, adult birthday parties can be cool. New YHC copywriter Annie did an epic foodfight on the beach in Costa Rica for her 30th birthday, peanut butter and all. Erin’s last bday included a 5 k (I mean... not FUN, per se, but still bad-ass as hell), Jamie topped off her last birthday by taking shots while reciting Shakespeare, and we ALL get to drink booze at our festivities now (can I get a “hell yeah”?).But sometimes we miss the wild abandon of going to little kid birthday parties. And you know what we especially miss from those days? THE PARTY FAVORS.Which is why--SURPRISE!--we decided to offer you a super special promo to celebrate our rebrand.You heard that right: Your Hot Copy is having a birthday and YOU get the presents. :) Whaaaaaat?::Cue Kool and the Gang singing “Celebration”::Throughout the month of July, anyone who reaches out for custom copywriting with the secret password “ARTSY” will receive a 10% discount.Yup. That’s TEN PERCENT off a custom copy project to rock your brand.Here’s the fine print (and we think it’s pretty in a hot in, oh you get the picture):This promo applies to projects booked in July to start anytime between now and September 30.Which means if you book right now you have almost 2-3 WHOLE months to get crystal clear on your next project, workshop, or evergreen product. Then, we’ll bring your vision to life and deliver the most PERFECT done-for-you custom copy. At 10% off.::It’s a CELEBRAAATIOOOON::“But wait,” you say “What if I’m feeling flush with business and dough and want to gift some of my karma cash to a worthy cause?”Oh HELL YES! We love a pay-it-forward party!As an alternative option, you can book a project with us and donate that 10% to Art Start, a charitable organization that helps NYC’s underserved youth with daily creative arts workshops.As a company who fiercely values creativity, innovation, and self-expression, this is a cause that is truly close to our hearts--and we know it’s close to yours, too. A lot of the resources we all had as kids to foster our creativity just AREN’T included in schools anymore. Can you imagine? What if we had been raised without access to art class, creative writing, and other powerful forms of self-expression? Where would we be in our professional and creative endeavors?This is why we’re thrilled to support Art Start, and we know you’ll wanna join the party, too. :)So check out more of the awesome info about Art Start, play around our new website like a birthday attendee on a frosted cake sugar high, and then hop on a call with Erin to bring your next awesome business project to the party!Get some amazing custom copy for your brand AND do some good at the same time? Now THAT’S what we call a celebration!SaveSaveSaveSave


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