Jamie Jensen

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Meet Our Writer Emily!

As you know, here at Your Hot Copy, we don’t just write copy -- we write HILARIOUS, funny, relatable, approachable, you-know-you-wanna-hang-out-with-us copy. YES, like all effective copy, it sells, but it also keeps readers engaged by entertaining them along the way.When I decided, very early in life, that I wanted to write for the screen, it was because I LOVED how movies had the power to take a really important message and candy coat it with jokes, fun, conflict, action, etc. Copy has the SAME power, and that’s why I adore what we do now. It’s also why our approach at YHC is to use the same level of entertainment and story quality that Hollywood screenplays do.So when it was time to bring more writers on the team, I knew exactly where to look: the entertainment industry. I wasn’t going to look for copywriters. I was going to look for comedy writers. Funny females who were familiar with the entertainment world, knew how to write a screenplay, sketch comedy, and TV pilot. Ladies who knew how to write in different voices, as different characters, and how to tell a joke and be cool. So I recruited some incredible lady writers, trained them up in high-converting copywriting, and here we are.I got incredibly lucky when I found Emily McGregor, whose copy has inspired tons of our clients to send us raving emails about how talented and sharp-as-a-tack she is. Emily, like all of us at YHC, is MORE than a copywriter, and that’s what makes her so good.So, without further ado, I’d love to introduce you to one of our secret weapons…This is Emily.Emily pciture SquareA little bit about Em….After graduating with a BFA in film production and minor in studio art, Emily served as VP of Production at Comediva, a website 100% dedicated to creating female-driven comedy. There, she wrote and directed hundreds of sketches, web series, and music videos - many of which you may have seen in HuffPost, NY Times, CNN, Good Morning America, Mashable, and Gizmodo, to name a few.Emily has also worked with brands such as Pepsi, Univision, The Susan B. Komen Foundation, and NickMom on multiple campaigns and served as a consultant for Univision's digital platform Flama. She also recently sold a half-hour children’s comedy series to Amazon Studios.When Emily's not working as a freelance writer/director for branded digital content and commercials, you can find her developing TV pilots, feature films, and the perfect Old Fashioned recipe.Here’s what our clients have said about Emily:“Emily is a fucking beast. I want to print this copy out and roll around on top of it.”

“Her copy is smart and engaging - perfect for Facebook ads. Her turnaround time is SO fast. Best of all, my clients and their potential leads, love her work."

“She really hit home in terms of speaking to my ideal clients in a way that was honest, compelling and best of all HILARIOUS (in a "funny because it's true" kind of way). I love my about page. It's so funny and real, and I'm really excited about it because it is the first thing that people are going to see when they visit my website.”And now, Emily is available to write copy for YOU.Am I teasing you?Nope, I am not. Emily can write just about anything you need. Her specialties?Funnels, sharp, savvy sales pages, taglines, and facebook ad copy that converts like cray cray.Wanna get her on the books ASAP to bring more giggles (and cashola) to your business?Click here to chat with Erin about getting on the calendar, or you can start by reviewing our services right here.xo,jamie signature