Jamie Jensen

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Feeling uninspired? Pop a creative viagra (I got 'em)!


^^ Heard this one, right?

Well then… why are you still doing things you’ve always done?

Let me back up for a minute ‘cause that was mad accusatory… 

Here’s where this is coming from: if you’re following my blog, I’m going to guess you’re a little bit like me.

I’m going to guess that you’re an independent internet-based, creative entrepreneur.

I’m going to guess that you have a desire for freedom, for helping, and for contributing something magical + exceptional to this world… thereby making it a much better place.

I’m going to guess that you want to make a living from your computer: from home or from anywhere in the world. Maybe you’re a mom, maybe you’re a world traveler, maybe you’re just dreaming of earning money with your one-of-a-kind skills and talents.

And assuming at least two of those things are true, I’m going to declare: 

Your most valuable resource is your creativity. 

Because even if you’ve had the great pleasure of finding your “tribe” (gag), you’re still going to have to make things for them.

Chances are, you’re making this shit up as you go with trial and error efforts to give your community what they want. (If not, let’s talk about this…)

Back to the point: Creativity.

A great amount of the work I do outside of writing, re-writing, editing, re-vamping, reviewing, re-visualizing and all-around sexifying the written word… is in service of YOUR creativity.

If you can’t express yourself, communicate, and produce work so amazing that your peeps are clamoring (and shelling out their hard-earned smackers) for it… well then you don’t have a business. You just have a wish.

I learned an important lesson today and so I want to share it with you.

When I woke up this morning, I had one word on my mind: FUCK.

Yup. FUCK. That was the word. I wanted to rip my hair out, go back to sleep, eat an entire bag of gummy bears (chocolate covered ones… and before you say “ew” again… TRY THEM!).

I might be PMS-ing. I might be having a severe reaction to sugar. I might be crazy. 

But regardless of hormones, feelings, and all of the random personal shit or food intolerances that could be impacting my capacity to perform in my business - I had to find a way to show up.

FUCK. (again).

I looked around my room desperately. At the stacks of papers. At the piles of laundry (my washing machine is broken, okay!). At the lists of shit I needed to get done for my business and life. 

My brain was all…

Why the fuck aren’t my testimonials up yet?

Why the fuck isn’t my inbox at zero?

Why aren’t all my receipts from the last week neatly filed away?

But most importantly… where did my thrill, excitement, passion, and overflow of manic (yes, manic) ideas go?

Last I checked, they weren’t hiding under my bed. But there I was. 

Thoughts and thoughts were everywhere but not ONE idea in sight.

And guys, I’m a writer (so are you, by the way, because you HAVE to be to run a business on the ‘net) so ideas are like air to me.

FUCK. (still).

I stared at the wall, looked at my list again and *tried* to breathe. Because ideas are like air, they aren’t actually air. (That’s a simile.)

The good news is: I did NOT bang my head against the wall.
The better news is: I got off my ass and did something about this brain drought.

I asked myself one very important question:

What the fuck can I do differently today?

So I grabbed my laptop, threw it in my sexy-as-fuck skull printed tote bag along with a charger and some headphones and I set off to find a new environment on foot.

Now, for most of you this might not be a big deal. 

“Head out without a plan? 

I do that shit all the time!”

Well, I don’t. THIS is actually a big deal for me. 

And here is where I landed:

This is my office today.

It’s fucking beautiful, Radiohead is playing, and it smells like fresh baked cookies all the time here. I’M MOVING IN!

Truth? I didn’t start this business so I could work from home. 

I started this business so I could work from anywhere.

I started this business so I could change things on the fucking fly when necessary.

And my guess is: so did you.

So the next time your brain feels like a muddled mess of information and “shoulds” and tasks you gotta cross off - go out and do something fucking different.

Eat a new breakfast.

Listen to a new morning motivation song.

Take a different type of yoga.

Go for a walk at 4pm on the dot (because you can!).

Anything that will shift your perspective.

‘Cause from where I’m sitting now, this all looks pretty fucking good...

And my creative juices are flowing…  

And I have some writing to do.

So do you, I bet. And I have the perfect inspiration-boosting workbook that will get that content-a-flowing. (Holla!) Revamp your About page with my FREE, fun workbook - you can grab yours by simply clicking the pic below.HTWAAP-mockup


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