Jamie Jensen

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Artists Making Money with Cory Huff

Cory Huff (literally) wrote the book on how to sell your art online. He’s masterful at helping artists earn money from their work with online sales and building a solid business out of their creative work. He’s also an actor, director, and author -- so interviewing him was like starting 1000 conversations that I could continue for the rest of my life…That being said, WE COVERED A LOT OF GROUND HERE.

Some of my favorite tidbits include...

  • The importance of MINDSET work as an artist, and the great news that there are nearly unlimited resources available to support you with that! Some choice resources we mentioned:
  • Where the “starving artist” myth comes from (Hint: it started in 17th century Paris). Cory mentioned this book A Day In The Life Of A Bohemian that inspired the opera La Boheme and the play Rent.
  • How we artists require space and room to create -- and that INCLUDES the financial resources. If you take anything away from this episode, let it be this: DON’T BE AFRAID TO SET INTENTIONS AROUND WHAT YOU NEED; AND THEN GO ASK FOR IT.
  • What do artists and entrepreneurs have in common?
    • The need to CREATE
    • The need to be INDEPENDENT
    • The struggle of the INFORMATION BUBBLE and getting stuck in cyclical, “cult thinking” instead of seeking diverse opinions.
  • Cory’s sage advice to seek out and read content from voices that you disagree with.
  • The idea that being a creative means generating more than you consume, and that setting boundaries around your work and not switching context too often can help you get into a flow state and stay there. (Another book recommendation here: DEEP WORK by Cal Newport).

Off the record, he also told me about his hot cocoa machine called the CocoMotion. Needless to say, I’m impressed and may have to buy one for myself! I also think it’s important to call attention to the fact that Cory ran The Abundant Artist for FIVE years before making it his full-time thing. FIVE YEARS. Let that sink in. We are so obsessed with overnight success stories, but time and time again I think it’s important to acknowledge the TRUE STORY of how someone successful left a “day job” to pursue a more independent and creative lifestyle. GO CORY. And go YOU.The ultimate point? Cory is incredible and has SO much value to offer all creatives and entrepreneurs, so I recommend you go follow him immediately -

 Create like you mean it,Jamie