Jamie Jensen

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How To Create Money: The 7 Questions You Must Ask Yourself

One of my favorite times of the year is September, when summer turns to fall.

I know most people celebrate the New Year on January 1st, but for me fresh beginnings happen in September.

Fun fact: September is also the time of year when the Jewish New Year happens. And, although I am not a devout member of the Jewish faith, there are some foundational rhythms that I wholeheartedly believe in, and our “New Year” calendar is one of them.

Regardless of your beliefs around when the best time for a “fresh start” truly is, setting new intentions and goals regularly is an important part of creating the life and business you want.

This also includes MONEY. The more direct and clear you are with your intentions, the more empowered you are to be focused AND receive what you’re asking for.

From experience (with myself and clients and friends), I can confirm: the Universe does NOT reward the vague and waffly. All the more reason to get super duper CLEAR.

This Monday, I spent most of the day in Toronto’s Pearson airport (post-Archangel Summit) with my biz bestie Erin Lindstrom. The airport WiFi failed us, so we decided it was a perfect time to get clear and set some powerful intentions for our next 12 months.

So… I led us through a makeshift intention-setting workshop.

We took time to journal on 7 big questions, and now I’m going to share them with you.

If you’re looking to create more money in your life ASAP -- plus a whole bunch of other upleveled awesomeness, I recommend starting with these 7 key questions:

  1. What do you want to create in the next 12 months?

  2. Of everything you listed, which 3 things are the most important? Why?

  3. What do you have to do in the next 90 days to put those gears in motion? The next 30 days? The next week?

  4. Who and what do you have to be in order to take those actions and receive that vision?

  5. What will you have to let go of in order to be that person?

  6. Be clear: What are you committing to?

  7. Be committed: How will you stay accountable?

Well… what did you learn?

Create like you mean it,

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