Jamie Jensen

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Holiday Stress Can Suck It.

Holiday stress is real.

(And it can suck it!)

Seriously, guys, I don’t know about YOU.
But what happens to me during the holidays is NOT PRETTY.

You see, I am HUGE into making other people happy. I LOVE pouring myself into gift buying and giving and cooking and spreading joy to all those around me…

But then what happens? I burn the fuck out.

(Raise your glass of wine if that’s ever happened to you…)

Most of the year I can keep my inner people pleaser on lock… but the holidays are like one huge festival of overwhelm because honestly, if I could have it my way, I would do it all. (Superpowers, anyone??!)

I would buy each and every one of you a surprise present and have it arrive on your doorstep.

I would present every single person I saw with a delectably wrapped gift, or a tasty treat or at the very least… a smile.

And that’s just not realistic. If you’re a dreamer, like me, you can get wrapped up in visionary fantasies of all the ways you can make the holidays more spectacular. But in an effort to stop the madness and save your sanity - I’m going to ask YOU for a favor.

Please yourself first.

I know this is kinda radical, but I like it that way.
Because being awesome can get exhausting. Am I right?

So... I wrote this little holiday fill-in-the-blank to help you commit to YOU before you start tapping out on all of the holiday cray-ness.

Yes, cray. Not crazy. CRAY.

I’m from Queens and that’s how we roll.

So please, use this little worksheet to check yourself before you wreck yourself.

That way, when the time comes, you can be really present with those you love, instead of a hectic, neurotic mess...



p.s. If you’re interested in taking some writing off of your plate, but STILL getting a sexy-ass website or funnel up and running asap, we've got ya back! Check out how right here.