YHC's Client of the Month: Kira Sabin!
Wanna know what it's really like to work with us? (be honest!)
Well, here's your chance. Welcome to YHC's Client of the Month!This is the first of an ongoing series of posts, designed to give YOU a sneak peek into our virtual offices, a sampling of our favorite client projects, & an idea of what it's really like to work with us.First up: Kira Sabin - strong, independent, epic businesswoman; podcaster; Huffington Post writer; fan of pirates ... the reasons we adore Kira are too long to list, but rest assured, you'll love her as much as we do.
Kira, share your heart out!
Who are you, like, for REAL?
For reals? I am a certified life coach for singles, a podcaster, coffee lover, travel addict, huff blogger, prosecco drinker, unicorn wrangler, adventurer, story collector, animal rescuer, cheese connoisseur and seven layers of ridiculous.
What's your business, and what do you LOVE about it?
League of Adventurous Singles and talking about love, dating and relationships all day is an obsession. How did we learn to love? Differences in communication styles? Boundaries? Trust? All of it fascinates the fuck out of me. Relationships are one of the most important things in our daily lives, yet we do so little to prepare for their success. My goal, my revolution is to change that!
So, you recently rebranded. What was your overall goal with your rebrand?
Really matching my message and personality to my brand. I was formerly Traveling Light, but people were confused about what that was by the name. They thought I was a traveling site. The League really allows me to share my message but also bring fun..which is a major part of my personality and process.
Did YHC help you achieve that?
Here is the truth. I am not a bad writer. I write for Huffington Post. My articles are really well received by my people. And I feel like my tone is what makes my brand so special.But here is the other side of the truth. I am shit at selling and conversion. I suck at calls to action. And if I can't do those things, I don't have a business. Funny, smart articles are just not enough.
What made you choose Jamie and Your Hot Copy for your website?
Jamie just gets me. She took the time to understand my complete brand, my goals, my challenges and made everything that I do...so much better. I never thought I would hire a copywriter. EVER! But see the conversion on my sales pages. My cry-worthy about page. All of it, makes me know this investment in my business was a huge success.
Which YHC package did you do?
THE ALL THE WAY!Listen. I don't fuck around and half-ass things. We are either going all the way or we are not.
What about your new website makes you drool?
I love how the about page takes you on a journey about my brand and who I am. At the end of it I have built trust, told my story and created loyal fans. That is fucking unicorn magical!!
Gush for us. What's are you most excited about creating this year?
I am expanding the League to offer more retreats and single travel opportunities. We will be heading to Greece in October and then finally staying in Costa Rica for an extended amount of time next winter for people to just join us! Hang with us, explore, bond with monkeys and sloths, get coaching and feel super safe in the process! We are making single travel less scary and possible for all budgets!
Anything else you'd like us to know about your unicorn awesomeness?
Jamie Jensen is my spirit animal and she will change your business. The end.
Ready to have an incredibly awesome time working with us, just like Kira? Check out our Full Frontal Website Copy packages, right here. xo